“The truth is, the seasons are always changing; it’s just a question of whether we’re changing with them...”
Video description: man swings at a baseball on a tee toward a blue balloon, he misses and overswings but hits a second baseball behind him that hits and pops a pink balloon, caption says “CSS”
Sometimes I just laugh at how hurtful things from childhood that stuck with me forever were things said by other literal children. Like my brain is ruled over by an 8 year old from the 90s.
Watching a live feed of snow falling on the east coast and I’m both relaxed and ready for summer.
“Your [personal] site lets you be uniquely you and it can be whatever you imagine it to be.” —@m_ott css-tricks.com/make-it-personal
If you deep dive into anything from this, I hope it’s The Pop-Up Channel on YouTube. It’s my favorite thing. youtube.com/channel/UCx2M2bGHtXBszG6tuR_NIbQ…
I just published a case study about what went into my 2020 portfolio refresh. 📝 lynnandtonic.com/thoughts/entries/case-study-2020-refresh/
It covers some of my inspiration, the folding headers, pull-tabs, and more.