I’m writing the case study for my portfolio and found myself thinking of simpler solutions for the header.
Each path I went down resurfaced why I made each decision the first time. A good exercise and reminder that implementation has so much context to consider.
When I say “it’s a block away” I mean one mile.
Arizona State Parks @AZStateParks View tweet
Tell us you're an Arizonan without telling us you're an Arizonan.
Just discovered our neighborhood pizza place has diced pepperoni so yeah you could say it’s a good day.
This filled my heart right up! 😭
CSS-Tricks @css View tweet
Very Extremely Practical CSS Art by @mirisuzanne
Nesting doll version from last year is now in the archive. lynnandtonic.com/archive/2019/
A bit more fun in a browser you can resize and Firefox resizes it sooo nice. But use what you love.
It’s that time! ✨ My annual portfolio refresh lynnandtonic.com
Video description: two dudes hug in the background and another dude happily says, ”It’s happening!”
It’s going really well.
&yet @andyet View tweet
Do you hear that distant WHOOOOOOSSHHHHH noise getting closer and closer and closer and closer? (etc, etc, etc)
That’s the sound of @lynnandtonic’s annual portfolio redesign headed straight for you. Nothing can prepare you for——
brb getting a 72” external monitor