Quietly and slowly, topchefstats.com has become the sleeper hit of my side projects.
It’s regularly getting 1k more visitors a week than airportcod.es, longtime frontrunner by A LOT.
Excited for season 18 next month! 🔪
Video description: Eleanor (Kristen Bell in The Good Place) lounges on a couch, lifts a chip with salsa to her mouth but the salsa falls onto her shirt
One time I got an nth-child calculation wrong and a dude I worked with patted me on the head and said “Aww, math is hard.” So yeah... it’s great here.
AZ friends: they made some UI changes and this trick doesn’t work anymore. Consent checkboxes aren’t maintained between steps.
I found using the keyboard for that step (tab+spacebar to select checkboxes) allows you to go fast enough to book the appointment.
Lynn Fisher @lynnandtonic View tweet
If you’re frustrated trying to book vaccine appointments for family on podvaccine.azdhs.gov...
Go into developer tools and hide the “no time slots” popup so you can hit previous, go backward to pick a new time, and then speed through the final steps again.
If I ever move again I hope my next house is closer to an Ajo Al’s.
You ever try to limit your diet soda intake to one per day but then your whole day revolves around soda o’clock?
Incredible 👕💛
Bianca ✨ @biancasmalley View tweet
I needed a new project during lockdown so in June I started making patterns & cross-stitching David's sweaters
I recently finished the project & in honour of #SchittsCreek week I'd like to share these vids of my work (a thread) @SchittsCreek @CBCComedy #SchittsCreek
Season 1
You know how in movies the super demanding woman says she wants her coffee “surface of the sun hot”? That’s me but with soup.