When you reach the end of cheeseburger Instagram it switches you over to Mariska Hargitay Instagram.
Launched a new @andyet project today!
👋 ourweirdosmightbe.yourweirdos.com
Meet some weird and cool folks we admire (with more coming soon). I had a lot of fun designing the URL paths for this one 😄
Jessica L. Williams @techbizgurl View tweet
"Because, hear this: YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE JUST ONE THING. You can be many things, multiple things, all the things, all at once." @TMFproject
Check out my developer trading card! lynnandtonic.herokuapp.com #wickedcoolkit via @heroku @salesforcedevs
@mia@front-end.social @TerribleMia View tweet
RESOLVED, Container Queries are officially in the CSS specification process 🥳
This app, man. You shouldn’t need to know how to manipulate the DOM in order to book an appointment.
If you’re frustrated trying to book vaccine appointments for family on podvaccine.azdhs.gov...
Go into developer tools and hide the “no time slots” popup so you can hit previous, go backward to pick a new time, and then speed through the final steps again.
Bravo Top Chef @BravoTopChef View tweet
Pack your knives for Portland. #TopChef returns April 1st! Get your first look here: bravo.ly/TC18