I’ll hopefully get to more of the stats I had planned soon. In the meantime, I’m excited and especially interested to see how they handled filming during Covid.
Does the #TopChef phone call home mean the kiss of death? Are you more likely to be eliminated that episode? Turns out no.
During 17 seasons of #TopChef, they’ve shown us 55 phone calls home.
Does that serve as a predictor of anything? Basically that it’s super likely that chef will be talked to at judges table.
So I had plans to track a bunch of new stats before the next season but then I didn’t do it! 😅
I did add some info about chefs calling someone from home during an episode and whether that reveals any patterns. 👇
New #TopChef season starts tomorrow! 🔪 I’ll be tracking stats weekly here: topchefstats.com/season-18
Look at all those judges!
Nutty Buddy bars are so good what the heck! Why eat Tagalongs when these exist?
I did not time this correctly. Must revisit with future opinions.
Little Debbie @Little Debbie View tweet
Little Debbie CakePalooza 2021 kicks off today!
Round of 16 Voting ⬇️
Ok, so Zebra Cakes. I know it says so in the name, but I am still shocked that it’s just... cake? Like kids had these in their lunch every day.
Really sweet without much other flavor but still tastes special somehow? I really like the weird plastic texture of the outer shell.
This year I am trying all the Little Debbie treats I was never allowed as a kid. It’s time.
Video description: Eddie Huang (Hudson Yang in Fresh Off the Boat) looks down at a note written on his hand: Thanks, but no thanks