I recommend setting a loud alarm on your phone 1 minute before you need to be in a video call. I’ve needed it pretty much every time. 😅
Lynn Fisher
01 Sep 2021
Lynn Fisher
30 Aug 2021
Daily standup? How about daily lie down in a bed and close your eyes for a few minutes.
Lynn Fisher
27 Aug 2021
Ok this Knights of the Flexbox Table game from @marcelpociot is really fun! knightsoftheflexboxtable.com
Also reminds me of one of my favorite quotes ever:
Melt LOLZ @meltLOLZ View tweet
It wasn't called "The Knights of the 20px border-radius Div."
Lynn Fisher
26 Aug 2021
An invention I really like is that two-tiered half grocery cart.
Lynn Fisher
25 Aug 2021
So I asked @TrendMicro to change the nestflix.fun URL to safe from dangerous and they said no? Is there anything else I can do there?
Lynn Fisher
24 Aug 2021
Do you ever realize, years later, that someone was making a joke to you but you responded to them in complete earnestness like a dweeb?