I was just 3 minutes into reading an article and the web font finally kicked in. What’s the slow burn version of FOUT?
I’ve been trying to write a blog post about my recent experience finding a job but I can’t seem to get past the context and caveats part.
It feels both important and very boring to read! 😅
/cue the Shania Twain but make it Moira Rose
Look how far we’ve come, my bébés. Thanks for following along and joining in with #divtober! Here’s all of ‘em.
Happy Halloween!
#divtober 31: Spooky
💀 a.singlediv.com
@CodePen: codepen.io/lynnandtonic.com/pen/ExvwLeO
#divtober 30: Contrast
⚫ a.singlediv.com
@CodePen: codepen.io/lynnandtonic.com/pen/xxLXVbvVideo description: an animation of two half black / half white circles rotating against a half black / half white background