2020 folding header version now in the archives: lynnandtonic.com/archive/2020/
December is for shipping!
✨ My annual portfolio refresh lynnandtonic.com
A bit more fun with a browser you can resize. Firefox and Edge seem to handle this best, but you do you.
Video description: Gene (Bob’s Burgers) in his cheeseburger costume turns and excitedly pushes a green button
anthøny @anthny View tweet
Lynn. press the button
Deemed this site shipworthy around 6pm. Then stayed up until midnight adding details that probably no one will see! 🙃
Just cross-browser testing and wow Edge handles resizing the window like a champ.
Or drop your best unused domain here and maybe inspiration will strike for a collab.
Anyone need some design eyes on your dusty domains site? Hit me with a repo, I should have some time next week. ✨
$100k for your dusty domains, friends. Let’s do some shipping. 🚀
Jason Lengstorf @jlengstorf View tweet
dusty.domains just hit $100K total donations to charity thanks to partner matches
let me do a quick "thank you" thread shouting out our partners who chipped in! (and I'll talk about how you can use them to get your #DustyDomains entry shipped!)
I have not flown in over 2 years, but for a split second I as like oh god was it me?
Brad Westfall @bradwestfall View tweet
Someone left their mac book on the airplane 😱
Afternoon plans 🤗
Chance @chancethedev View tweet
1. Open streaming app
2. Search “new found glory”
3. Select “go to radio”
4. Play
5. Drastically improve the rest of your day