I’ve been getting a lot of Nestflix submissions that are just real shows and movies. Wondering if the schtick needs to be more obvious? 😅
Imagine creating something so crucial and beloved for an entire industry. Congrats, @chriscoyier! 💃
Big thanks to you, @geoffreygraham, @robinrendle, @sarah_edo, and the many authors who have shared their knowledge over the years.
Cool job and team alert 👇
Ryan Mulligan @hexagoncircle View tweet
Hello there, my friends – I'm currently looking for a Senior Frontend Engineer to join our marketing team @Netlify! Come work with incredibly talented, kind folks to help develop and evolve our web properties ✨
Learn more and apply here: boards.greenhouse.io/netlify
What city has a lot of small (<1k sq ft) cute houses? I’m not moving, but I would like to look at these types of houses.