Also [Top Chef spoiler], this still is the best RW strategy 😄
Lynn Fisher @lynnandtonic View tweet
Figure out how to serve the judges first.
Been running behind, but I got the Restaurant Wars episode stats onto I think I’m going to add a full RW breakdown next which could be fun.
Yo check this out ✨
Netlify @Netlify View tweet
The new Netlify Drop ->
Video description: drop a folder of files onto the Netlify Drop interface, Netlify deploys it, gives you a URL for your site, and throws some confetti
Also they mention two different Michael Bay movies in this Michael Bay movie.
The product placement in “Ambulance” is outta control! The drone camera shots are super cool though.
Had to kick out our roommate today, a downy woodpecker livin’ in the attic. Later buddy.
So @zachleat said Do-Si-Dos are the best Girl Scout cookie and I just tried one for the first time and I think he’s right?
I took this week off work and I am gonna watch so many movies.